Saturday, August 20, 2005

My wiew on artificial intelligence

Resident Evil, Terminator 3, Matrix and now Stelth, just to mention some of the popular movies. Why does an A.I. that becomes self concious have to be evil, start chasing and killing people and so on? Obviously the idea is more comercial then a supercomputer that starts doing good stuff. However, there is certain withheld on all levels regarding this issue in real life. It might be our usual fear of the unknown.
An artificial intelligence may be more or less smarter than we are. If is less, we should be able to control it, if is greater then us, then there would be no problem in letting it guide us and we may really need that someday. But I am optimistic :). Actually I like this issue, maybe I'm gonna work on it some day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Catalin Posted by Picasa

Bye Bye OKBridge

the place where it started.
well not exactly, but it definetly played a huge part in it.
I don't wish to talk about how it all began right now, and also to keep this post short, I will leave it for another time.
What is important is that OKB is the place where I wasted nights and days, making lot of friends, where I experienced frustration and excitement, and most importantly where I learned most of what I know about bridge.
My payed account, and I have reasons to say payed is about to expire, and for the time beeing I will give this up. For how long, we'll just have to wait and see...
So bye, bye OKBridge!

P.S.: Nice way to start blogging with a Bye Bye!